Friday, September 9, 2011

גּוּר sojourn

Who sojourned
  1. Abraham (Gen 12:10; 20:1; 21:23)
    1. Sodom (Gen 19:9)
    2. Gerar (Gen 20:1)
    3. The land of the Philistines (Gen 21:34)
    4. Mamre (Gen 35:27)
    5. Canaan (Ex 6:4; Ps 105:12; 1 Chron 16:19)
  2. Lot (Gen 19:9)
  3. Isaac (Gen 26:3)
    1. Mamre (Gen 35:27)
    2. Canaan (Ex 6:4; Ps 105:12; 1 Chron 16:19)
  4. Jacob (Gen 32:5)
    1. Canaan (Ex 6:4; Ps 105:12; 1 Chron 16:19)
  5. Joseph’s brothers (Gen 47:4)
  6. Strangers (Ex 12:48, 49; Lev 16:29; 17:8, 10, 12, 13; 18:26; 19:33, 34; 20:2; 25:6; 25:45; Num 9:14; 15:14-16, 26, 29; 19:10; Josh 20:9; Ezek 14:7; 47:22, 23)
  7. Levites (Deut 18:6)
  8. Asher (Judg 5:17)
  9. A young man from Bethlehem (Judg 17:7-9)
    1. Bethlehem (Judg 17:7)
  10. A certain Levite (Judg 19:1)
    1. Remote mountains of Ephraim
  11. An old man (Judg 19:6)
    1. Gibeah
  12. Beerothites (2 Sam 4:3)
    1. Gittaim
  13. Elijah (1 Kgs 17:20)
    1. With the widow
  14. Shunemite woman (2 Kgs 8:1, 2)
    1. The land of the Philistines
  15. Wolf (Isa 11:6)
    1. Lamb
  16. Outcasts (Isa 16:4)
    1. Moab
  17. Tyre (Isa 23:7)
  18. God’s people (Isa 52:4)
  19. Israel
    1. Canaan (1 Chron 16:19)
    2. The land of Ham (Ps 105:23)
    3. Rejected among the nations (Lam 4:15)
  20. Rechabites (Jer 35:7)
  21. Remnants of Judah
    1. Egypt (Jer 42:15, 17, 22; 43:2; 44:8, 12, 14, 28)
    2. The land of Judah (Jer 43:5)
    3. Persia (Ezra 1:4)
  22. No one (Jer 49:18, 33; 50:40)
    1. Edom (Jer 49:18)
    2. Hazor (Jer 49:33)
    3. Babylon (Jer 50:40)
  23. Evil (Ps 5:4)
    1. Shall not dwell with God
  24. Who? (Ps 15:1)
    1. In the tabernacle of the LORD
  25. I (Ps 61:4; Ps 120:5)
    1. In the tabernacle of the LORD forever (Ps 61:4)
    2. Woe if in Meshech (Ps 120:5)
  26. Abimelech (Ruth 1:1)
    1. The country of Moab
  27. People from Ephraim, Manasseh, and Simeon (2 Chron 15:9)
    1. Judah and Benjamin

Where sojourned
  1. Egypt (Gen 12:10; 47:4; Deut 26:5; Isa 52:4; Jer 42:15, 17, 22; 43:2; 44:8, 12, 14, 28)
  2. Sodom (Gen 19:9)
  3. Gerar (Gen 20:1)
  4. The land of the Philistines (Gen 21:34; 2 Kgs 8:2)
  5. Canaan (Gen 26:3; Ex 6:4; Ps 105:12; 1 Chron 16:19)
  6. With Laban (Gen 32:5)
  7. Mamre (Gen 35:27)
  8. Israel (Deut 18:6)
  9. On ships (Judg 5:17)
  10. Bethlehem (Judg 17:7)
  11. Remote mountains of Ephraim (Judg 19:1)
  12. Gibeah (Judg 19:6)
  13. Gittiam (2 Sam 4:3)
  14. Moab (Isa 16:4; Ruth 1:1)
  15. Devouring fire and everlasting burnings (Isa 33:14)
  16. The land of Judah (Jer 43:5)
  17. The tabernacle of the LORD (Ps 15:1; 61:4)
  18. The land of Ham (Ps 105:23)
  19. Rejected among the nations (Lam 4:15)
  20. Persia (Ezra 1:4)
  21. Judah and Benjamin (2 Chron 15

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